Differentially methylated position (DMP) regression and visualization

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math
import time
import methylprep
import methylcheck
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from methylize import diff_meth_pos, volcano_plot, manhattan_plot
#Install joblib module for parallelization
import sys
!conda install --yes --prefix {sys.prefix} joblib
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

# All requested packages already installed.

# load a processed dataset and the phenotype list per sample.
# in CLI I ran `python -m methylprep process -d GSE69852_copy --betas --m_value to make these files.
betas = pd.read_pickle('../methylize/data/GSE69852_beta_values.pkl')
m_values = pd.read_pickle('../methylize/data/GSE69852_m_values.pkl')
9247377093_R02C01 9247377093_R03C01 9247377093_R06C02 9247377085_R04C02 9247377093_R05C01 9247377093_R02C02
cg00035864 0.236234 0.287561 0.318016 0.308176 0.239339 0.161795
cg00061679 0.427194 0.395514 0.456510 0.525169 0.523010 0.549533
cg00063477 0.929039 0.927137 0.940222 0.932739 0.930215 0.931468
cg00121626 0.481058 0.357316 0.328793 0.330045 0.403873 0.313132
cg00223952 0.044029 0.040062 0.038420 0.022201 0.027155 0.022284

Testing logistic regression

##Create a logistic regression dataset using strings that will later be converted to zeros and ones
test_pheno_data = ["fetal","fetal","fetal","adult","adult","adult"]
test_M_values_T = m_values.transpose()
(6, 485512)
##Run a logistic regression on the methylation data, testing a random 30000 probes only here
test_results = diff_meth_pos(test_M_values_T.sample(3000, axis=1), #.iloc[:,64000:67000],
Additional parameters: {'export': True}
All samples with the phenotype (adult) were assigned a value of 0 and all samples with the phenotype (fetal) were assigned a value of 1 for the logistic regression analysis.

181 probes failed the logistic regression analysis due to perfect separation and could not be included in the final results.
1 probes failed the logistic regression analysis due to encountering a LinAlgError: Singular matrix and could not be included in the final results.
Probes with LinAlgError:
saved DMP_2818_6_2019-11-04.

Testing Manhattan plot visualizations

manhattan_plot(test_results, cutoff=0.12, palette='default', save=False) # , label_prefix='')
Total probes to plot: 2644
CHR-01 237 | CHR-02 201 | CHR-03 147 | CHR-04 107 | CHR-05 133 | CHR-06 207 | CHR-07 172 | CHR-08 109 | CHR-09 55 | CHR-10 136 | CHR-11 151 | CHR-12 126 | CHR-13 56 | CHR-14 84 | CHR-15 84 | CHR-16 137 | CHR-17 153 | CHR-18 29 | CHR-19 138 | CHR-20 59 | CHR-21 25 | CHR-22 42 | CHR-X 52 | CHR-Y 4
p-value line: 0.9208187539523752
""" pvalues: diff bw the two phenotype labels (A vs B difference sig)
most p-values in the demo data are not near or below 0.05.
That means those probes / locations are not useful in separating the two phenotypes
interesting_probes = test_results[test_results['PValue'] <= 0.13]
Coefficient StandardError PValue 95%CI_lower 95%CI_upper FDR_QValue minuslog10pvalue chromosome
cg13537646 -3.634417 2.364558 0.124284 -8.268866 1.000031 0.999967 0.905585 03

Testing linear regression

# usually you would pull this data from methylprep meta_data dataframe
# Create a linear regression dataset using strings that will be coerced to numbers (adult ages are estimates, not exact)
test_pheno_data2 = ["0","0","0","52","54","57"]
# Run a linear regression on the methylation data versus age of sample
test_results2 = diff_meth_pos(test_M_values_T.sample(60000, axis=1), #.iloc[:,:], # ALL probes. slow!
interesting_probes = test_results2[test_results2['PValue'] <= 0.05]
Coefficient StandardError PValue 95%CI_lower 95%CI_upper FDR_QValue
cg23165623 -0.089640 0.000837 1.342041e-09 -0.091790 -0.087490 0.000081
cg00088844 -0.067228 0.000762 3.536345e-09 -0.069186 -0.065270 0.000106
cg01093363 -0.063621 0.000880 9.600144e-09 -0.065883 -0.061358 0.000192
cg01721754 -0.073975 0.001235 2.454493e-08 -0.077150 -0.070801 0.000305
cg18768347 0.090029 0.001570 3.048514e-08 0.085994 0.094064 0.000305
manhattan_plot(test_results2, cutoff=0.001, palette='Gray3', save=False)
Total probes to plot: 56286
CHR-01 5481 | CHR-02 4000 | CHR-03 2940 | CHR-04 2405 | CHR-05 2767 | CHR-06 4148 | CHR-07 3383 | CHR-08 2364 | CHR-09 1127 | CHR-10 2808 | CHR-11 3261 | CHR-12 2808 | CHR-13 1460 | CHR-14 1790 | CHR-15 1761 | CHR-16 2559 | CHR-17 3289 | CHR-18 709 | CHR-19 3043 | CHR-20 1236 | CHR-21 503 | CHR-22 1014 | CHR-X 1389 | CHR-Y 41
p-value line: 3.0

Testing Volcano plot visualizations

volcano_plot(test_results2, fontsize=16, cutoff=0.05, beta_coefficient_cutoff=(-0.02,0.02), save=False)
Excluded 8878 probes outside of the specified beta coefficient range: (-0.02, 0.02)
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